
Marco Sturm #16 jerseys

Marco Sturm #16 jerseys -

The Quebec Council on Tobacco and Health, an anti-smoking organisation, has exposed just how bigoted and uncompromising the anti-smoking movement is - by refusing to employ smokers. The group is looking for a webmaster, but only a non-smoker [1]

They are offering two very weak reasons for this: 1) to set good examples, in being an anti-smoking organisation they do not want to employ someone who smokes 2) to protect other employees from third-hand smoke.

As any sensible person is aware, third hand smoke is not only unproven but is a fabrication of researcher Dr. Winickoff's mind. But as I keep stating, there is a vast difference between tobacco control and tobacco analysis, with tobacco analysis being the Marco Sturm #16 jerseys objective study of any effect tobacco may have on the body whether it be Marco Sturm #16 jerseys positive or negative. Tobacco control is the exact opposite: devising ways to convince people that tobacco is detrimental to health and needs strict measurements to protect the public from the harmful effects. Third hand smoke is a perfect example of this. No study was conducted, no science was undertaken and the researcher has admitted it is just 'smell' - yet reading the papers would lead us to believe that it is a potentially deadly substance.

As for the other excuse of setting a good example, this is a flimsy argument because, quite simply, smoking is not permitted in offices anyway. The issue here is not smoking at work because that is not allowed except outside the office - in which instance provisions can be made Marco Sturm #16 jerseys of where smoking is permissable. Besides, a webmaster could very easily do most of the work from his/her own home, as there are now programs allowing file transfers to the internet from any computer in the world.

